"Peace be to the whole community and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 6:23
God's Spirit is calling us to something new. Let our minds and hearts be open to hear and follow.
God reveals the way we are to follow, to join in God's work each day and we are called to do so with the expectation that God is present. Let us trust in God with us, that God's plan, while unknown is best.
"The journey has the makings of a real adventure. There is the potential for profound change, reweaving the very fabric of who we are, rather than just patching up or adjusting or even fixing certain parts. This journey is about learning how to follow and join in what God is doing in our own neighbourhoods and communities. You are invited into a new space; a space of transformation as God's people move forward listening to each other, to God and to others."
(from the Missional Network Introduction, 2014)
God's mission is not limited to what has worked in the past, but is according to God's plan, and calls us to faithfulness. Let us have courage to risk, wonder, attempt, fail and learn.